Change Google Calendar Default Visibility 2024

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Google Calendar is one of the most popular online calendar applications, used by millions of people worldwide. By default, the events you create in Google Calendar are visible to anyone who has access to your calendar. However, you can change the default visibility settings to make your events private or shared with specific people. In this article, we will show you how to change the default visibility settings in Google Calendar for the year 2024.

Why Change Default Visibility?

Changing the default visibility settings in Google Calendar is important for privacy and security reasons. If you have events in your calendar that you do not want others to see, changing the default visibility settings will ensure that only you can see them. This is especially important if you use Google Calendar for work-related events or meetings that contain confidential information.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Open Google Calendar

The first step is to open Google Calendar by visiting the website or using the mobile app on your smartphone or tablet.

Step 2: Go to Settings

Once you have opened Google Calendar, click on the gear icon in the top right corner of the screen. This will open the Settings menu.

Step 3: Select “Event Settings”

In the Settings menu, select “Event Settings” from the list of options.

Step 4: Change Default Visibility

Under the “Visibility” section, you will see the option to change the default visibility of your events. Click on the drop-down menu and select “Private” if you want to make all your events private by default. Alternatively, you can select “Default” to keep the current visibility settings.

Step 5: Save Changes

After you have selected your preferred default visibility setting, click on the “Save” button to save the changes.


Q: Can I change the visibility settings of individual events?

A: Yes, you can change the visibility settings of individual events by editing the event and selecting the desired visibility option.

Q: Will changing the default visibility settings affect my existing events?

A: No, changing the default visibility settings will not affect your existing events. However, any new events you create will have the new default visibility settings.

Q: Can I share my calendar with specific people?

A: Yes, you can share your calendar with specific people by selecting the “Share with specific people” option in the “Share with specific people” section of the Settings menu.

Q: How do I know if my events are private or public?

A: If an event is private, it will have a lock icon next to it. If an event is public, it will have a globe icon next to it.


Changing the default visibility settings in Google Calendar is a simple and important step to ensure the privacy and security of your events. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily change the default visibility settings for the year 2024 and beyond. If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to Google support for assistance.

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