Ham Radio Contest Calendar 2024

Ham Radio Contest Calendar 2021 Calendar Template 2022
Ham Radio Contest Calendar 2021 Calendar Template 2022 from cbscalendaryo.com

Are you a ham radio enthusiast looking forward to participating in contests next year? Do you want to know the schedule of ham radio contests in 2024? Look no further because we have compiled a comprehensive ham radio contest calendar for you!

Why Participate in Ham Radio Contests?

Ham radio contests are not only fun but also an excellent way to improve your operating skills and make new contacts. They also provide an opportunity to test your equipment and antennas and learn from other operators.

What Are the Different Types of Ham Radio Contests?

There are various types of ham radio contests, including DX (distance) contests, domestic contests, and QSO (contact) parties. DX contests involve making contacts with stations around the world, while domestic contests focus on making contacts within your country. QSO parties are state or regional contests that focus on making contacts within a specific area.

How Do I Participate in Ham Radio Contests?

To participate in ham radio contests, you need a valid amateur radio license and a transceiver. You also need to know the rules and regulations of the contest, including the exchange of information and scoring system. Most contests require participants to submit logs of their contacts, which are used to determine the winners.

Ham Radio Contest Calendar 2024

Here is a ham radio contest calendar for 2024:

  • ARRL DX CW Contest: February 15-16, 2024
  • CQ WW WPX SSB Contest: March 30-31, 2024
  • ARRL International DX Contest: March 2-3, 2024
  • CQ WW DX CW Contest: November 23-24, 2024
  • IARU HF World Championship: July 13-14, 2024
  • ARRL Field Day: June 22-23, 2024
  • CQ WW DX SSB Contest: October 26-27, 2024
  • ARRL Sweepstakes CW Contest: November 2-4, 2024
  • CQ WW DX RTTY Contest: September 28-29, 2024
  • ARRL Sweepstakes SSB Contest: November 16-18, 2024


Q: Can I participate in ham radio contests if I am a beginner?

A: Yes, you can! Ham radio contests are open to everyone, regardless of their experience level. They are an excellent way to learn and improve your skills.

Q: Do I need expensive equipment to participate in ham radio contests?

A: No, you don’t. While having high-end equipment can give you an advantage, it is not necessary to participate in ham radio contests. You can participate with a basic setup and still have fun.

Q: Can I participate in ham radio contests from my home?

A: Yes, you can! Most ham radio contests allow participants to operate from their home stations. However, some contests have specific categories for portable or mobile operations.


Participating in ham radio contests is a great way to have fun, improve your skills, and make new contacts. With our ham radio contest calendar for 2024, you can plan your year ahead and make the most out of these exciting events. So, get your gear ready and join the fun!

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